of Use
These Terms and Conditions govern Users' use of thewww.navconsultingllc.com(the "Site"),operatedby139 BizOps Consulting Private Limited(“139”) having corporate head office in Hyderabad, India. By using/accessing the Site, Users agree to be fully bound by these Terms and Conditions. Users not agreeing to be so bound should not use this Site and should immediately leave the site.
Heading and Groupings : Any headings in these terms and conditions are for convenience only and shall not affect their construction and substance. Modifications to Terms of Use139may revise these Terms of use at any time by posting an updated version on this site with out notice at its sole discretion. User should visit this page periodically to review the most current Terms of use before they use/access the site because they are binding in full on Users.GeneralScope ofSiteThis site isprimarilydesigned tofacilitate139members to sign up, access member servicesand takefull benefit of139functions.The site is intended for user to understand our serviceofferings and choose required services. The site also aims to facilitate online communicationand service exchangewith otherusers.The sitemayprovideminorjob board functionality enablingcandidate/jobseekerto uploadtheir professional resume etc., or certain other information inrelated fields.Any information ormaterials submitted by a candidate shall not be considered as application for employment anda candidate/jobseeker may be required by a potential employer to submit additional or sameinformation as submitted here on the site independently.139doesNOT makeany guaranteethat candidate/job seeker will be able to obtain employment or that theemployers willfindsuitable job seekers.In these cases 139is not an employer with respect to anycandidate/jobseeker and139shall not be in anyway responsible for any employment decisionsmade or not made, or any actions taken or not taken, by any employer on this site. Also139has no control over the quality, truth, accuracy or legality of the jobsor resumes posted on thissite and accepts noliability whatsoeverto any usersarising out of these information/materialsand postings on this site.
Eligibility to UseThis site may be usedfor lawful purposes only by members and individual interested in139functions and services subject to the terms and conditions herein.However, the following arestrictly prohibited to use thissite:individuals who have not attained the age of majority in theirjurisdiction of residence andcannot formlegally binding contracts under applicablelaw;Userswhose right to access has been presently terminated or under suspension for reasonswhatsoever,otherbusiness competitorsoperating in same nicheand dataminersarenotauthorized to use the site.However, our partners having exclusive written permission based onterms of agreement from139shall be eligible to use this site as required.Assignment and Commercial UseUser shall not have any right to assign his/her rights and obligations relating to use of the site.User also agrees not to make any unauthorized and unlawful commercial use of the site.Third PartyLinksThe site contains links to other websites, materials, information, services and businessesoperated by third parties non-affiliates (“third party sites”). These links and sites areindependent from139and139disclaims any liability whatsoever for, any information,materials, resources, products orservices offered at any of the third party site. Links to thesethird party sites are provided purely for your convenience and by doing so139does neithersponsor or endorse/recommend the third party sites or any information contained therein orany products or services through those third party sites nor is liable for any failure to performany services or products offered or advertised at those third party sites. User’s use of thirdparty sites and transaction/deals with third party sites are at purelyusers own risk, and usershall not make any claim whatsoever against139arising out of use of any third party site.These third party sites may have different privacy policies or terms of use on which139has nocontrol over.It’srecommended that Usershould read and accept the third party terms beforeusing the third party site content and services.Usage limitation and LinkingLinking to the site without express written permission of139is strictly prohibited and attractsstringent penalty. Mirroring, mis-using or mis-appropriating site content and service, scrapping
or data mining the jobs and information available, copying any text/information by any form ormethod are strictly prohibited and is subject to highest levelpenalty legally permissible.Message Board and other section of the siteUseronthis site should be aware that any personally identifiable information (such as emailid, name, address etc.,) they submitcan be read, collected, or used by other users of theseforums, and could be used to send unsolicited messages.139is not responsible whatsoeverfor any consequence arising out of submission of such personally identifiable information onthis site.Useralso agree to use this service only to post, send and receive messages andmaterials that are relevant to his/her accounting, finance and auditing subject and jobs. Userwill not use the service todefameabuse, harass, threaten or otherwise violate the legal rightsof other users. User also acknowledges that he/she may not use the site to publish, distributeordisseminate anyinappropriate, profane, discriminatory, obscene, defamatory, indecent orunlawful topic, message, material or information or to offer /advertise to sell or buy any goodsor services.139reserves the right to review materials posted on the site and to remove anymaterial or posted content on the site in its sole discretion with any notice whatsoever.TerminationUser hereby agrees that139at its sole discretion may at anytime and for any or no reasonsuspend or terminate User’s access or use of the site and or delete all information pertainingto user in the site, even if access and use continues to be allowed to other users. This right isin addition to any other legal remedies available to139. Upon such suspension or termination,Usershall immediately discontinue use of the site and by not doing so would constitute an actof trespass. It is further agreed by user that139shall notbe subject to any liability whatsoevereither to the user or third-party with respect to termination/suspension of User Access.Postings/SubmissionsThis site makes no guarantees as to the level of success a user may achieve by using theservice. Certainthird-partypartners may make such performance guarantees with the approvalof the company. Otherwise, you shall not be entitled to any refund, rebate or retribution forusage that you determine to be unsuccessful.
We make no guarantee that your postingwill be accessible for the entire term of its listing.Computer outages, software failure and other technical and non-technical issues may causetemporary outages that we cannot be held liable for.No party may upload any items that are deemed offensiveby the company. This includescreating hyperlinks to materials deemed to be offensive by the company. Additionally no itemsmay be uploaded that are designed to damage the systems (ex. Viruses, Trojan horses, worms,time bombs, etc.) or designed to crack the system or extract protected data.SecurityUsers may not access, collect, record, alter or interfere with account data that does not belongto them. Any attempts or successes at violating anotheruser’sdata or privacy shall result inbreach of this usage agreement and may result in criminal or civil proceedings.Specific Prohibited UsesThis site or its services may not be used for any illegal or unlawful purposes. The companyreserves the right to terminate usage by any party that the company deems questionable.No party may enter data that is knowingly inaccurate, incomplete or false.No party may enter data that does not belong to them. Users may not enter data for anotheruser. This shall include, but not be limited to, the listing of job opportunities. You may not postjob openings that are not for your company. The only exception to this is if you represent an adagency, recruitment firm, or an other third party recruitment service, with permission to poston a company's behalf.No party maymaintain an excessive amount of data on our servers or upload anything that maycause excessive strain on our systems and networks.No party may use our services for anything other than their intended uses. This shall include,but not be limited to, thepractice of posting openings that do not specifically exist for thepurpose of collecting resumes or other data from our users. This practice is explicitly restrictedand may result in cancellation of your posting and removal of your usage rights.
No party may use our services with the intent of hurting, damaging, destroying, or otherwiseinfringing on the stability and usefulness of our services.No party may distribute what the company defines as protected materials to any third party.This may includecontact data, passwords, discounts, etc. This includes the sharing ofprotected data with other site users. No party may utilize data from the web site in an attemptto bypass the site's security and extract protected data from outside sources.139orreservesthe right to alter, edit, or remove any data posted.No party may aggregate, package, spider, collect, display any of the content on this site withoutthe express written consent of the company.No party may copy, duplicate or use any of the coding,markup language, or software thatcomprises the site or any of its services. None of these items may be reverse-engineered orduplicated for any purpose.Copyrights and TrademarksThis site as a whole is copyrighted as a collective work, and individualworks appearing on oraccessible through this site are likewise subject to copyright protection. You agree to honorthe copyrights in this site (including the selection, coordination and arrangement of thecontents of this site) and in the works availableon or through this site. You may download andmaintain single copies of designated materials for your personal use only or as directed in anypartnership/affiliate agreement.In addition, trademarks and tradedress belonging to us or to others appear on orare accessiblethrough this site. The fact that we have permitted you access to this site does not constituteauthorization to reproduce our trademarks or tradedress for any other purpose.By submitting any material to us, such as by posting a comment toa discussion group, or bysending to us an email, you are thereby granting to us a non-exclusive license to reproduce,display, distribute, modify and create derivative works from such material and to use suchmaterial and the fact of your authorship of it for marketing purposes.Disclaimers and Limitations of Warranties
This site makes no guarantees as to the accuracy or truthfulness of any data posted within thisweb site. Any damage incurred by reliance upon this information is not the responsibilityof thecompany or its affiliates or partners. By using this site, you assume all responsibility for andrisk arising from your use of and reliance upon the contents of this site.References and links to products and services belonging to third parties areprovided for yourconvenience and do not represent our endorsement of such products or services. Materialsaccessible from or added to this site by third parties, including, though not limited to, joblistings or comments posted in discussion groups, arestrictly the responsibility of the thirdparty who added such materials or made them accessible. While we reserve the right to monitorthird-party discussions and to remove materials that we believe are inappropriate, we neitherendorse nor undertake to control, monitor, edit or assume responsibility for any such third-party material.You assume all liabilities and risks associated with your interaction with individuals you comein to contact with through the usage of our services. We do not have the means to ensure thateveryone is who they claim to be. We make no guarantees as to thelegitimacy or accuracy ofany job postings, resumes, profile or any type of postings through our web sites. Therefore youagree to release the company from liability resulting from any damages or occurrencesresulting from the usage of our web site or services, or those of our partners.THIS SITE AND ITS CONTENTS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS." WE DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES,EXPRESS AND IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITYAND OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO ANY INFORMATIONCONTAINED ON, ACCESSIBLE THROUGH OR DERIVED BY YOU FROM THIS SITE AND WITHRESPECT TO ANY PRODUCTS OR SERVICES PURCHASED BY YOU THROUGH THIS SITE. WELIKEWISE DISCLAIM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY TO YOU ARISING OUT OF INTERRUPTION ORDAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR SOFTWARE AS THE RESULT OF ACCESSINGOR OTHERWISE USING THIS SITE. WE NEITHER WARRANT NOR REPRESENT THAT THESERVICES OR INFORMATION AVAILABLE THROUGH THIS SITE WILL ENABLE YOU TOACHIEVE ANY PARTICULAR RESULT OR OUTCOME, LEGAL, ECONOMIC, EDUCATIONAL,OROTHERWISE. WE WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL,OR SPECIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING LOST REVENUES, LOST PROFITS, ORLOSS OF DATA ARISING OUT OF YOUR USE OF THIS SITE. IN THE EVENT THAT ANY OFTHE FOREGOING LIMITATIONSAND DISCLAIMERS IS INEFFECTIVE, YOU AGREE THAT OURMAXIMUM LIABILITY TO YOU SHALL BE THE AMOUNT LISTED IN SECTION "LIABILITYLIMITATION".
Liability LimitationThe Company's liability for all claims arising from your use of the site and its contents is limitedtoUSD25only.Some jurisdictions prohibit exclusion or limitation of liability for consequentialor incidentaldamages;hence such legislative limitations may apply to the user where legallynecessary.EEA Resident Rights:If you are a resident of the European Economic Area, you have the following data protectionrights:If you wish to access, correct, update or request deletion of your personal information, youcan do so at any time by contacting us using the contact details provided under the“contactus.”In addition, you can object to processing of your personal information, ask us to restrictprocessing of your personal information or request portability of your personal information.Again, you can exercise these rights by contacting us using the contact details providedunderthe“contact us.”You have the right to opt-out of marketing communications we send you at any time. You canexercise this right by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link in the marketing emails we send you.If we have collected and processed your personal information with your consent, then youcan withdraw your consent at any time. Withdrawing your consent will not affect thelawfulness of any processing we conducted prior to your withdrawal, nor will it affectprocessing of your personal information conducted in reliance on lawful processing groundsother than consent.You have the right to complain to a data protection authority about our collection and use ofyour personal information. For more information, pleasecontact your local data protectionauthority.We respond to all requests we receive from individuals wishing to exercise their dataprotection rights in accordance with applicable data protection laws. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, we reserve the right to keep any information in our archives that we deem necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes and enforce our agreements. If you have a question or comment, please contact us via email: info@navconsultingllc.comTermination of Siteand Site AccessWe reserve the right to change the contents of this site or to discontinue it at any time, as wellas the right to deny access to the site to any person whom we have reasonable grounds tobelieve may be using the site for an unlawful or unauthorized purpose or in a manner that may harm us